Refreshment from Jesus

Mattthew 11:28, Refreshment from Jesus
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest

In Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Jesus goes on to present himself as one who has come to lift humanity’s burdens, including but not confined to the burden of sin. In contrast to the interpretations of the Mosaic law given by the scribes and Pharisees, his yoke is ‘easy’ and his burden ‘light’. This ease and lightness do not stem from a lowering of standards, but from the fact that mercy and love, rather than precise legal perfection, have become the supreme criterion. Twice in Matthew’s Gospel Jesus quotes the prophet Hosea to this effect : ‘What I (God) desire is mercy, not sacrifice’ (Hosea 6:6, Matthew 9:13, 12:7, also 23:23), for He has not come to call the righteous, but sinners.

The Spirit of Christ living within us gives us hope, that even in the midst of the trials of our times, Jesus is with us, sharing in our suffering, carrying us in ways that we may not yet even recognize. Let us pray that we, as the body of Christ in the world today, will have the courage and strength to carry compassionately all those who feel weighed down by the effects of the recent pandemic.

Thank You God

Thank You God

Below is a story shared by our Pastor. I think it will be very relevant and helpful for some of us who are experiencing hardships and life challenges at this moment.

Thank You God for everything

There was a bird who lived in a desert. The bird was very sick, had no feathers, had nothing to eat and drink, and had no shelter to live in.

One day, a dove was passing by, so the sick unhappy bird stopped the dove and inquired, “Where are you going?”

The dove replied, “I am going to heaven”.

So, the sick bird said, “Please find out for me, when my suffering will come to an end”.

The dove said, “sure, I will”, and bid a goodbye to the sick bird.

The dove reached heaven and shared the message of the sick bird with the Angel in charge at the entrance gate.

The Angel said, “for the next seven years of its life the bird has to suffer like this, there will be no happiness till then.”

The dove said, “when the sick bird hears this he will get disheartened. Could you suggest any solution for this?”

The Angel replied, “tell him to recite this verse:

Thank you God for everything.”

The dove on meeting the sick bird again, delivered the message of the Angel to it.

After seven days the dove was again passing by and saw that the bird was very happy. Feathers grew on his body, a small plant grew up in the desert area, a small pond of water was also there, and the bird was singing and dancing cheerfully.

The dove was astonished. The Angel had said that there would be no happiness for the bird for the next seven years. With this question in mind, the dove went to visit the Angel at heaven’s gate. The dove put forth his query to the Angel.

The Angel replied, “yes, it is true there was to be no happiness for the bird for seven years, but because the bird was reciting the verse, ‘Thank you God for everything’ in every situation, his life changed.”

When the bird fell down on the hot sand, it said, “Thank you God for everything”.

When it could not fly, it said, “Thank you God for everything”.

When it was thirsty and there was no water around, it said, “Thank you God for everything”.

Whatever the situation, the bird kept on repeating, “Thank you God for everything” and therefore, the seven years dissolved into seven days.

When I heard this story, I felt a tremendous shift in my way of feeling, thinking, accepting and viewing of life. I adopted this verse in my life. WHATEVER the situation I faced, I started reciting this verse, “Thank you God for everything”. It helped me to shift my view from what I did not have to what I have in my life.

This simple verse really had a deep impact on my life. I started feeling how blessed I am, how happy I am, how good life is.

So, from this story of the bird in the desert, you can see how powerful the ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE is. It can reshape our lives!!! Let’s recite this verse continuously to experience the shift in our life.

So be grateful, and see the change in your attitude.

Be humble, and you will never stumble.


Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother’s day to all Mothers in the world ❤️

Words can not fully express all the true and selfless mother’s love. Let today be the day we cherish our mother and all mothers who have given their love and sacrifice to their children and this world. Let us remember Holy Mother Mary and her love too.

The Divine Mercy of God

Divine Mercy of God

April 19th 2020 is Divine Mercy Sunday. On this Divine Mercy Sunday we reflect on the unfathomable mercy of God. We recall the words of St Thomas Aquinas : “Mercy consists in bringing a thing out of NON-BEING into BEING.”

We see this transpire concretely in the life of the early church. The believers devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of bread and to prayers.” They were filled with awe; they were witnesses of wondrous signs; they lived for the good of the other; they were selfless and generous; they were overflowed with exultation and sincerity of heart.

In our present situation – the COVID-19 pandemic – with hundreds of thousands died in other parts of the world, much more in Europe and US, there are lots of unsung heroes, priests, doctors, and health professionals who lived like the early Christians, offered their lives so that others may possibly live or recover from infections. These front-liners became susceptible to the tentacles of coronavirus. Many of them succumbed to death, but God “in His great mercy” gave them – and us – a “living hope” through the Resurrection of Jesus.

Coronavirus Prayer

How things can rapidly change, even over a day.

We woke up this morning with a different world and it’s pretty obvious we are headed into some challenging times – not just healthwise but also the wider economy. Towns were shut down, businesses were closed, many people lost their jobs all of sudden. At this turbulent time, it is even more important to pray to God to seek for His mercy and protection.

A Catholic friend of our Parish have sent us below powerful prayer to Jesus to heal us from coronavirus. Let me share today.

Coronavirus Prayer

“Jesus Christ, you traveled through towns and villages curing every disease and illness. At your command, the sick were made well. Come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of the corona virus, that we may experience your healing love.

Heal those who are sick with the virus. May they regain their strength.

Be with those who have died from the virus, may they be at rest in internal peace.

Be with those in all medical professions who seek to heal.

Be with the leaders of nations so they have the foresight to act with charity and true concern for the well-being of the people.

Jesus Christ, stay with us as we endure and mourn, persist and prepare. In place of anxiety, give us Your peace.

Jesus Christ heal us. Amen.”

Lent 2020

Lent ideas, Lent 2020, Lent preparation, what to give up in Lent

What do people give up in Lent ?

Lent this year has started (since Ash Wednesday on 26th February) and will end on 9th April.

So what is the purpose of Lent ? The main purpose is to prepare ourselves for Easter celebration by reflecting, seeking for forgiveness, doing penance, and purifying our soul. It tests our perseverance in the same way Jesus suffered and sacrificed for 40 days in the desert. During Lent we fast, we give, read Bible, and pray more.

Lent, lent 2020, lent ideas, what do people give up in lent, purpose of Lent
Lent Preparation

Are there any rules of Lent ? If we cannot fast or give up for 40 days then the main thing we do is to stay away from eating meat (and any items made of meat except fish) on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all the Fridays during Lent period.

What do people do in Lent ? Every year we think of something we want to give up in Lent. As the purpose of Lent is to sacrifice and seek for forgiveness, we should give up something we normally do or like for pleasures and by giving it up in the next 40 days it actually benefits us, family or people surrounding us, and the world if we want to bring it to the next level.

What do people give up for Lent ? Below are some of the Lent ideas you can try :

  • Give up certain foods, such as meats or animal protein, sugary foods, soda drink, carbs, and so on. You can get as creative as you want. This year I give up eating animal protein for 40 days. In our family we have person fast by only eating one meal per day, some only eat low GI foods, some do not eat bread, another uncle gives up coffee
  • Give up certain bad habits. Smoking, gossiping, drinking alcohol, swearing, phone/Facebook/social media time at night, TV time, and many other ideas you can think of.
  • Give up money by doing more Charity works and donation.
  • Give up lavish spending on unnecessary things
  • Give up your time to God. Spend 30 minutes a day for praying or reading devotional
  • Give gratitude, smile, comfort and positive attitude to certain numbers of people a day. You will make everyone around you feel better.
  • Give up watching movies, or other entertainments
  • Give up makeup for ladies
  • Give up playing games
  • and so much more.

Hope the above gives you some ideas. So, what do you give up for Lent this year ? You can decide what to give or to give up, whichever brings love and positive result for you, your family, and make the world around you better is a good decision. And of course never forget to pray and spend more time with God. All the best !!

St Jude Thaddeus Prayer

O Holy St Jude!
Apostle and Martyr,
great in virtue and rich in miracles,
near kinsman of Jesus Christ,
faithful intercessor for all who invoke you,
special patron in time of need;
to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart,
and humbly beg you,
to whom God has given such great power,
to come to my assistance;
help me now in my urgent need and grant my earnest petition
(mention your need) ;
I will never forget thy graces and favors you obtain for me
and I will do my utmost to spread devotion to you. Amen.
St. Jude, pray for us and all who honor thee and invoke thy aid.